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Partnership Cards Application

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Are you a non-profit organization?

Are you a youth based organization?

Thank you for your interest in Casey's Partnership Cards. At this time, Casey's Partnership Cards are only intended for non-profit youth organizations. We wish you success in your fundraising efforts.

Selling Options


Your organization can purchase the cards up-front to sell at your leisure. Since the cards cannot be returned or refunded after payment is received, we recommend ordering in small batches to help ensure your organization does not have excess cards. There is a minimum of 50 cards on your first order. Reorders can be done via email or phone in increments of 25.

Card Type Requested

Card type is required

Pizza Cards Requested is a required field

Donut Cards Requested is a required field


If paying up-front is not an option for your organization, we also have the option to pre-sell the cards. Groups can collect money from customers first, then place their order with us, and then deliver the cards to customers at a later date. We offer an order form for groups to use if they wish. There is a minimum of 50 cards on your order, increasing in increments of 25.

Selling Options is required

Contact Information

All fields required

Organization Name is required

Contact Name is required

Shipping Address is required

City is required

Please select a state

Please enter a valid 5-digit Zip code

Please enter a valid 10-digit mobile number

Please enter a valid email address

Organization Information

Purpose for which funds are being raised

(250 Characters Max*)

This field is required

Tax exempt 501(c)(3)

Tax exempt 501(c)(3) is a required field

By submitting an application and/or participating in the program, I and my organization agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. Any personal information collected through the application or Program is subject to Casey's Privacy Policy.

Signature is required


As stated in the Terms and Conditions, upon approval participant shall submit full payment. Upon payment, all cards are non-refundable and non-returnable, even if you do not sell all of the cards.

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